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Meet the Team: Kelitha Bivens Hammond

Date: November 15, 2022

This is part 5 of Thrive’s “Meet the Team” series. Get to know one of our certified peer navigators, Kelitha Bivens Hammond.

Part 5 of our “Meet the Team” series. Thrive team member Kelitha Bivens Hammond has been with Thrive for over a year and a half. She works as a certified peer recovery supporter supervisor in one of our partner hospitals.

Kelitha’s story is inspiring. She says, “Before coming into recovery, I felt hopeless. I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. I was afraid of everything. I was afraid of failure, success, and afraid to be a mother. I thought all I was good for was using drugs and scheming. I lost my children, I became homeless and I lost every job I ever got due to my addiction. I was in and out of jails and shelters. I went to 27 detox and treatment centers and nothing seemed to click. Nothing seemed to work until I met my Thrive peer supporter and finally I had found someone who understood. I found someone who was just like me, and they gave me hope that if they could do it, I could too. God put thrive in my life for a reason and at the right time. I got my life back and it’s amazing!”

Kelitha has six children and eleven grandchildren. Her favorite place to be is at home with her family watching The Notebook or The Big Bang Theory. One day, she hopes to travel the world with them.

Stay tuned for more meet the Thrive team content coming soon!