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Meet the Team: Natasha Cooper

Date: September 5, 2022

This is part 3 of Thrive’s “Meet the Team” series. Get to know one of our certified peer recovery supporters, Natasha Cooper.

Natasha Cooper will celebrate 3 years of sobriety in November. She loves her job at Thrive as a peer support specialist and working with the Catch (Change Actions to Change Habits) Court to stop human trafficking. She has been at Thrive for four months.

Is there anything you want to mention about your professional and educational history before joining Thrive?

I am a Human Trafficking survivor and the program I completed – “Catch Court” – I now assist with, and now have the privilege of working with human trafficking survivors. This is my passion and my dream to assist women just like me. 

Tell us your recovery story.

On November 8, 2022, I will be celebrating 3 years clean and sober. I overcame many things. My journey hasn’t been easy. But it’s been the best days of my new life. I have compassion and finding the grey area wasn’t easy for me. But now I no longer see black and white. I love my job and I’m grateful for all the people who stand with me in my life right now.

What is your favorite thing about your work?

Assisting others in learning how to trust again. Teaching others and learning that you can grow if you choose to.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Trust. All my family, friends, and peers trust me. 

What is the best piece of advice you give to your clients?

Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future.

Whats the best thing youve learned in your current position?

That recovery is not easy, but they need me as much as I need them. 

Tell us about your family.

I have a 9-year-old daughter, Wraylynn, a cat named Kismet, a fiance who accepts me and my mom is my hero. I love my family. 

What do you do for fun?

Kayaking, anything to do with water, riding my electric scooter, watching movies, and taking care of all my plants and trees. Working with women who are survivors.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you.

I am a Pisces. I love plants. I love playing in the water.

What is on your bucket list?

White water rafting and mountain rock climbing 

What is your favorite restaurant or spot to hang out?

Carmel’s. It is a Mexican restaurant located in Dayton. It’s so good. They also have the best chicken wings

If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?  

Mexican food

If you could go to dinner with anyone, living now or in the past, who would it be?

My grandma because she’s no longer with us and she was my best friend. She meant everything to me. It would be the one thing that I wish I could go back and change and spend more time together.

Do you have any pet peeves and what are they?

I don’t like a dirty house, dishes on the sink, or the bed not being made. I also don’t like dirty cars.

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?

“The L Word’’ is my favorite show. All the Fast and Furious movies.

Do you have any special skills or hidden talents and what are they?

I can tattoo. And I like to paint and do art projects.

Stay tuned for more meet the Thrive team content coming soon!