International Overdose Awareness Day is a free event hosted by JustInTimeAwareness. This event will honor the lives of those who lost their life to the disease of addiction.
There will be food, Live music, resource tables, Narcan harm and reduction presentations and an opportunity for our guests to speak and share their stories. The event will conclude with an opportunity for guests to speak about their loved one(s) who lost their lives to overdose followed by a candle lighting.
There will be food, Live music, resource tables, Narcan harm and reduction presentations and an opportunity for our guests to speak and share their stories. The event will conclude with an opportunity for guests to speak about their loved one(s) who lost their lives to overdose followed by a candle lighting.
Guests are encouraged to bring pictures or posters in honor of the life and legacy of their loved one lost to the disease of addiction.
****Location of the event is….Jimmy Vs in German Village. 912 South High Street Columbus, Ohio 43206