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Thrive Events

NAMI Peer-to-Peer

NAMI Delaware/Morrow Counties 25 Kilbourne Rd, Delaware, OH, United States

If you’re living with a mental health condition, join us for NAMI Peer-to-Peer! The course is designed for anyone experiencing mental health challenges who wants to achieve and maintain life in recovery. We'll give you the information and resources you need to advocate for yourself with your healthcare provider, tips and practices to help maintain […]

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group

Unison Health 1011 Sandusky St, Perrysburg, OH, United States

Have you lost a loved one to suicide? It can be a healing experience to talk openly with fellow suicide loss survivors about what you're going through. If you live outside of Wood County, look at for information on a coalition or group near you.

Outreach Tour – Summit County – Eastgate Plaza

Eastgate Plaza, Off of Wedgewood Dr., 500 canton Rd Eastgate Plaza, Off of Wedgewood Dr., 500 canton Rd, Akron, OH, United States

Since the shut down due to COVID-19, overdose rates and suicides have increased, and more people have been struggling with their mental health and recovery. As a result, Thrive Peer Support and have partnered up to launch an outreach tour to bring mental health and addiction services, harm reduction education, homeless resources, connections to employment, clothing, personal hygiene, […]

Community outreach

Serving Area Military, Veterans, and Widows - SAM Center SAM Center, 413 Lincoln Way E, Massillon, OH, United States

Serving Area Military and Veterans has partnered with Thrive Peer Support and to provide a drive through resource event in Massillon. Community partners include Thrive, Harm Reduction, VA, SAM Center, Aspire, and Help Me Grow. This will be a drive through event where participants can receive information and resources. Resources include food, presumptive medicaid registration, harm reduction […]

Outreach Tour in Summit County- Community Of Christ Church

Community of Christ Church 834 Grant St, Akron, OH, United States

Since the shut down due to COVID-19, overdose rates and suicides have increased, and more people have been struggling with their mental health and recovery. As a result, Thrive Peer Support and have partnered up to launch an outreach tour to bring mental health and addiction services, harm reduction education, homeless resources, connections to employment, clothing, […]

Clark County Resource Fair

Inside Out Youth 501 S Wittenberg Ave, Springfield

Free garage sale + food + school supplies. Come on out for free resources on mental health and substance abuse.

Outreach Tour in Summit County – The House Of The Lord

The House of the Lord 1650 Diagonal Rd, Akron, OH, United States

Since the shut down due to COVID-19, overdose rates and suicides have increased, and more people have been struggling with their mental health and recovery. As a result, Thrive Peer Support and have partnered up to launch an outreach tour to bring mental health and addiction services, harm reduction education, homeless resources, connections to employment, clothing, […]

Addiction Academy of Columbus 2020 Conference

Building X at Dwell Community Church - Columbus 1290 Community Park Dr, Columbus, Ohio

Learn together. Stand together. Join us for the 2nd Annual Addiction Academy of Columbus Conference! Addiction Academy is an all-day, interactive conference offering quality education in the area of substance use disorder and comprehensive treatment. The Academy offers a unique view into the lives of those dealing with addiction and the professionals working alongside them. […]

Outreach Tour in Cuyahoga County – Elizabeth Baptist Church

Elizabeth Baptist Church 6114 Francis Ave, Cleveland, Ohio

Since the shutdown due to COVID-19, overdose rates and suicides have increased, and more people have been struggling with their mental health and recovery. As a result, Thrive Peer Support and have partnered up to launch an outreach tour to bring mental health and addiction services, harm reduction education, homeless resources, connections to employment, clothing, personal […]

Outreach Tour – West Ohio Food Bank

West Ohio Food Bank 1380 E Kibby St, Lima, Ohio

Join us at the West Ohio Food Bank where we will be providing free groceries, peer support, harm reduction supplies, & local recovery information! The mission of West Ohio Food Bank: Everyone should have access to healthy, nutritious food. Together with our partners, we provide nutritious food to those in need. They have 11 different […]

Outreach Tour – Care Alliance in Cleveland

2916 Central Ave, Cleveland, OH 2916 Central Ave, Cleveland, OH, United States

Join us at the Care Alliance Health Center in Cleveland where we will be providing free groceries, COVID-19 testing, peer support, harm reduction supplies, & local recovery information! The Care Alliance Health Center provides many different services like dental, services to people living with HIV/AIDS, MAT (Medicated Assisted Treatment), SUD counseling, child & infant pediatric […]